E世代與咖啡When 24-year-old Alex Stein is looking for a morning pick-me-up, he doesn't reach for a cup of 土地買賣cappuccino as his parents Len and Berdie did daily while he was growing up in Westchester County , New York —房地產 he grabs an energy drink. Coffee just doesn't cut it with him. "The taste is just so bitter — I 房屋買賣couldn't have more than a couple of sips of it without needing to wash it down with water," he says. A 辦公室出租recent report from Mintel, a market-research firm, predicts that Stein's generation may become 房地產coffee-resistant unless marketers find ways to make coffee drinks relevant for kids under the age of 25. 房地產Demand for coffee remains robust among people aged 45 and over thanks to older customers, who will likely 591drive coffee's sales growth over the next five years, the report said. 咖啡飲料商在美國恐怕將失去市場, 因會場佈置為25歲以下的年輕人對苦味的咖啡依點也不青睞, 不像4年級生一輩子一早起來的第一杯是咖啡年青人喜好的事容易入口的碳買屋網水化合物易入口的, 換句話, 咖啡商可能也要跟時代一起成長? Read more: 訂做禮服http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,2031165,00.html#ixzz15bbcrHNi

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